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Experience gentle, precise, and water-free microsuction ear cleaning for clearer hearing. Book your appointment today.

Got an Ear Full? Here’s Some Advice for Ear Wax Removal

Got an Ear Full? Here’s Some Advice for Ear Wax Removal

Earwax, or cerumen, is a natural substance, helps protect the external auditory canal and the eardrum. It plays a crucial role in protecting your ears from dust, micro organisms, and other foreign particles. If present in excessive quantities or poorly evacuated, it can sometimes cause a blockage to form and discomfort or even hearing loss. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to manage earwax safely and effectively.

How to safely remove an earwax bockage at home?

Just because the ear canal has a self-cleaning mechanism doesn't mean there can't be problems from time to time. For example, some people produce too much earwax, which can form an earwax blockage or wax buildup. Although wax buildup is more common in older people, the problem can occur at any age. Other people find earwax to be a sign of poor hygiene and feel a strong need to clean their ears regularly. Regardless of the reasons, if you want to clean your ears, there are several ways to safely remove excess earwax.

What is the right way to clean earwax?

Ear cleaning must be performed even more meticulously by people whose hearing maybe altered or compromised. Cleaning the ears should not be understood as a complete removal of the cerumen substance: in fact, a right amount of cerumen is essential to protect the ear from harmful particles and to maintain a certain humidity and avoid drying.

This does not mean that you should not take care of ear hygiene, rather, cleaning the hearing organs is correct when it is performed with diligence and attention.

Cleaning your ears: when, why, and how to do it?

Proper ear cleaning is essential to minimize the risk of infection and prevent the appearance of earwax plugs. As we know, ears are extremely fragile sensory organs, therefore they require delicate but at the same time adequate and effective cleaning.

Is it safe to DIY clean your ears?

DIY ear cleaning can be safe if done correctly. You can start with a simple cleaning of the outside of the ear. If you still experience discomfort due to excessive earwax inside of the ear, ear drops can be instilled into the ear to soften the earwax (available at the pharmacy). Instead of making it yourself at home, you can get help from specialist clinic. Audiologists and clinics like earLAB offer microsuction, a safe and effective method for earwax removal.

How often should you do an earwax extraction?

The frequency of earwax extraction depends on individual needs. Some people may never need to remove earwax, while others might need to do it regularly. If you frequently experience earwax buildup, consider using ear drops once a week to prevent blockage. However, if you have recurring issues, consult with a healthcare professional.

What are the risks of not removing ear wax?

Not removing earwax when necessary can lead to several issues, including hearing loss, earache, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and even infections. If you notice symptoms like these, it’s important to address the buildup promptly.

Earwax is a natural and essential part of ear health, but it’s important to manage it properly. If you’re experiencing issues with earwax buildup, try the safe home remedies mentioned above or seek professional help from an audiologist or a specialised clinic like earLAB. Taking the right steps can help you maintain healthy ears and prevent potential complications.

Ready to say goodbye to earwax discomfort? Experience the safest and most effective earwax removal with microsuction at earLAB.

Book your appointment today and let our professionals help you maintain healthy ears.


