Microsuction is the safest and fastest ear cleaning method available. Click here book an appointment.

Microsuction is the safest and fastest ear cleaning method available. Click here book an appointment.



Read some of our most common questions about ear wax removal, ear impressions, sleep plugs and swim plugs.

What happens if I need a follow-up appointment?
Who performs Microsuction ear wax removal?
If microsuction earwax removal isn't suitable, what alternative options are available?
What is earwax?
Can I fly or drive afterwards?
Is Microsuction covered by private insurance?
How much does Microsuction cost?
Should I use ear candles?
Should I clean my ears with cotton buds?
Does the cost for microsuction cover clearing both ears?
What should I do before my microsuction appointment?
Can babies and children have microsuction?
How often will I need microsuction?
How long will my earwax removal appointment take?
Is microsuction safe?
What makes Microsuction a preferred choice compared to other methods?
What happens if I need a follow-up appointment?
Is there an express service available?
What is the purpose of grips and cords?
How long is the warranty for my product?
If your in-ear monitors are no longer under warranty and you're experiencing an issue, can they still be repaired?
Is it possible to have my ACS custom in-ear monitors engraved with a logo or design?
What is the duration of the fitting period for my custom earplugs or in-ear monitors?
If I need to order a second product will I need to have my ear impressions taken again?
Do we conduct ear impressions for children aged 5 and under?
Who will carry out the ear impression taking?
How long does the custom earplug process take?
What is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and when am I at risk?
Do the SleepSound ear plugs make your ears sweaty throughout the night?
What is the duration of the fitting period for my custom earplugs or in-ear monitors?
What are the benefits of custom moulded earplugs for sleep?
Can you tell me the noise reduction rating (NRR) for the SleepSound?
Who should use sleep plugs?
What if my custom Swim Plugs or Pro-Aquaz don't fit correctly?
How long do the Swim Plugs or Pro-Aquaz last?
Can I use Swim Plugs or Pro-Aquaz with ear infections, post surgery, perforations or grommets?
Can I get a spare set made?
Are custom Swim Plugs or Pro-Aquaz worth the money?
Are your Swim Plugs & Pro-Aquaz complete watertight
Will the plugs affect my balance?
Who uses custom Swim Plugs & Pro-Aquaz
What is the duration of the fitting period for my custom earplugs or in-ear monitors?
Can earplugs help with surfer's ear?
Can earplugs prevent swimmer's ear?
Can children use swimming earplugs?
What are the best swimming earplugs for me?
Do I need to wear swim plugs?